Yoga & Meditation

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Price: £60
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Yoga is a way of life and a way to open and connect to the divine.


I offer one-to-one tuition, specializing in Hatha, womb/pregnancy yoga, yoga nidra (psychic sleep), bhakti (devotional yoga), pranayama (breath work), and meditation.


An hour's session includes a personal routine tailored to your individual needs. The class will include postures that help to bring balance and equanimity to your system. We will explore breath work encouraging deep and rhythmical breathing to invigorate the body and mind, ending the session with either a yoga nidra (psychic sleep) or a meditation.


I have been practising and teaching yoga since 2005. I completed my original training in India at Yog Peeth in 2010, I later studied pregnancy/womb yoga and sexuality yoga with Uma Dinsmore-Tuli in Stroud.  I am continually updating my qualifications to ensure my standards of teaching are at their highest.


£60 - 60 mins

£70 - 90 mins


I also offer online tuition as well as bespoke workshops tailored for larger groups. Please enquire.

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"Yoga is the cessation of movements in the consciousness" Patanjali

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